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RESIN is the manufacturer of highly specialised protective equipment and technical equipment for workers carrying out anticorrosive works: abrasive blasting (e.g. sand blasting, shot blasting), painting and varnishing works and metal spraying. Our equipment is highly valued by its users as well as by safety & hygiene inspections, which is acknowledged by the companies using our products. RESIN possesses the ISO 9001 CERTIFICATE.

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Specialised “GRANIT” BREATHING HELMET: ReS-3, ReS-3/O/H, ReS-3G, ReS-3G/O/H is designed for protection of worker’s respiratory system against dust and atmosphere of air unfit for breathing. For protection of head, eyes and body of a worker against splinters of abrasive material used and corrosion products broken off, while working with abrasive blasting (sand blasting, shot blasting) for cleaning items using abrasive material ejected through a nozzle using compressed air. Due to using silencing lining, the helmet lowers the level of noise from working environment reaching worker’s ears.

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Specialised “VEGA” BREATHING HELMET ReS-4, ReS-4/O/H, ReS-4G, ReS-4G/O/H is designed for protection of worker’s respiratory system against dust and atmosphere of air unfit for breathing. For protection of head, eyes and body of a worker against splinters of abrasive material used and corrosion products broken off, while working with abrasive blasting (sand blasting, shot blasting) for cleaning items using abrasive material ejected through a nozzle using compressed air.

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Specialised “LUNA” BREATHING HELMET ReS-4M / ReS-4M/O/H is designed for protection of:

  1. respiratory system against the atmosphere of air unfit for breathing
  2. operator’s head, eyes and body against splashes of substances used for metal spraying
  3. eyes against ultraviolet radiation existing in the working environment

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More informations about our products is available only in polish or contact us:

    PL 32 052 Radziszów, Jurczyce 111 POLAND
    Tel: + 48 12 275 17 26 :: Fax:+ 48 12 275 17 27
    Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. :: www.resin.com.pl

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